intangible landscapes

for flute, violin, bass clarinet & piano, 12.5min, written for Apply Triangle + violin (2020)

intangible landscapes deals with the growing feelings of ennui and isolation I encounter[ed] living in New York over the past six years, and how perceived landscapes of memory shift, breathe and transform over periods of time. Many people I love no longer live here. I question whether a home is a tangible, real place, or if it exists in the intangibility and quiet intimacy of created and/or remembered landscapes that can only exist ephemerally. 

Lish Lindsey, flute
Thomas Piercy, bass clarinet
Lara Lewison, violin
Taka Kigawa, piano
*Miki Orihara, dancer

Yoshi Weinberg, flute
Tyler Neidermayer, bass clarinet
Yaz Lancaster, violin
Jixue Yang, piano

World premiere 2/25/2020 @ New York University